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We have many ministry opportunities for your kids!
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What to expect when visiting FCC Kids for the first time. We will meet your family at the registration area in the foyer and check in your family. Children will then be directed to classrooms where they will learn Bible stories in unique and fun ways! 


When checking in for the first time, we ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):


  • Parent/Guardian name(s)

  • Child's name

  • Child's birthdate

  • Child's grade

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Any special instructions (allergies, special needs)

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Before Service: You will check-in your child/children for Kids Church at the iPad stations in the foyer by typing in your phone number and following the cues on the iPad. Once the check-in is complete, printers below each iPad will print out matching name tags for you and your children that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching parent tag. Your children will then be dropped off in their appropriate room based on what grade they are in.


After Service: After the service is complete, you will go to your child’s room and show your matching tag in order for your child to be released back to you.


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Bowling at 1pm - $8 each (*This do not include Shoe Rental)

Laser Tag at 2pm - $10 each

Space is limited so register your family today!


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Grades 1-6

*See program details for more info

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Mothers & Children Ages 0-5yrs

Meet in the Cafe

Runs Sept. - May


Kindergarten - Grade 4

Wednesdays  6 - 7:15pm

September - May

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Thursdays 4-5pm

Runs Mid-Jan. to Early June

Sometimes there’s no better way to connect than by reaching out. Here are a few ways to get in touch!

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160 Dickins Drive
Fort McMurray, AB
8:00am – 4:30pm

(780) 791-3366

Copyright 2024, Family Christian Centre. All Rights Reserved.

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